Constitution and Bylaws: The Puppeteers of Puget Sound, Inc.


 Article I – Name, Establishment, and Incorporation

The name of this organization shall be the Puppeteers of Puget Sound.  The Puppeteers of Puget Sound was established on September 21st, 1980 in Bellevue Washington. The Puppeteers of Puget Sound was  incorporated on January 22, 1992 by Ralph Munro, secretary of the State of Washington.

Article II – Purpose  

The purpose of the Puppeteers of Puget Sound shall be to promote and raise the standards of the art of puppetry through the exchange of ideas, programs and workshops.  

Article III – Membership  

Membership in Puppeteers of Puget Sound (PoPS) shall be open to any person or group of persons interested in promoting PoPS purposes, subject to payment of dues to PoPS.
Section 1: Regular Membership shall be open to any person who pays dues to the Puppeteers of Puget Sound.
Section 2: Regular Family/Couple Membership is the same as a Regular Membership except:

  1. A Regular Family/Couple Membership is entitled to two votes as long as at least two members of the family are present.  
  2. A Regular Family/Couple Membership can only have mailings sent to one address.  
  3. A Regular Family/Couple Membership may only have one website linked  to the Puppeteers of Puget Sound Website.

Section 3: Junior Membership – a persons age sixteen or under, sponsored and accompanied by a Regular or Associate Member, shall be considered junior members. All regular meetings will be open to junior members, although they will not be permitted to vote on business matters.  They may attend special meetings at the discretion of the executive committee. 
Section 4: Organizational Membership is subject to payment of dues for one member; this entitles them to one vote and one representative at each meeting. The organization must have membership in the Puppeteers of America, Inc. They may have one site linked to the Puppeteers of Puget Sound Website.
Section 5: Members must not have been Suspended, Terminated, or be under Sanction by the Puppeteers of America, Inc.

Article IV – Officers  

The Executive Committee, the officers, of this organization shall be: 

  • President 
  • Vice President 
  • Membership Director  
  • Secretary  
  • Treasurer  
  • Webmaster  

All officers must be members of the Puppeteers of America, Inc.  

Article V – Duties of Officers  

Section 1: The President

The President will preside at all meetings, set up and prepare agenda, decide on all points of order, and schedule workshop, presentation or entertainment for the regular meetings scheduled during the year. In the event of an officer vacancy, the President will appoint a new officer to fill the unexpired term with the approval of the  executive committee. The President advises on and oversee all activities of the guild.  

Section 2: Vice President

The Vice President will assume the duties of  the President in their absence and, in case of a vacancy, become the President. Prepare a two (2) newsletters a year to be sent electronically to the membership, and to posted on website. Upon request, send copy of newsletter to members who cannot receive electronic newsletters.  

Section 3: Membership/Hospitality Director

The Membership Director will distribute information concerning the guild to new or prospective members and send membership reminder for January membership renewal. They will keep a roster/database of members, update roster information to Webmaster and report on membership at each of the  regular meetings, and welcome and arrange procurement of snacks for members at regular guild meetings. 

Section 4: The Secretary

The Secretary will keep records of the proceedings of the organization, attends to the necessary  correspondence, and keep on file all important communications and replies thereto. They will electronically send minutes of the previous meeting to officers for review before each regular meeting. The Secretary  will call for corrections and upon correcting the minutes, will be voted on for approval at each regular board meeting.  

Section 5: The Treasurer

The Treasurer will collect dues and all monies of the guild, is authorized to reimburse legitimate expenses incurred by the guild and keep an accurate account of money received and paid out. Will  make a report at each of the regular meetings, and present a  comprehensive breakdown of collections and expenditures at the final  regular meeting of term. Assist Membership Director in keeping the  membership database current. The Treasurer will choose another member of the board to be signer on bank account.  

Section 6: Webmaster

The Webmaster will maintain and regularly update the guild website and is responsible for posting all meeting  announcements, events and other puppet activities in the region on the website and on social media. Website will always include the current contact information for the guild’s officers. The Webmaster will share website access information with another officer with website skills.  

Articles VI – Term of Office  

Term of office is one year. Officers will be installed at the first regular meeting of the guild year and will prepare to serve the guild until new officers are installed.  

Articles VII – Election of Officers  

The committee will present one slate of officers for candidacy at the last regular guild meeting of the year. At this meeting, other nominations may be made from the floor by members provided nominated person(s) is present or has submitted written permission for their nomination. If more than one nomination is made per office, the vote will take place by secret ballot. Elected officers will be installed at the first meeting of the guild year.  

Article VIII – Meetings 

A minimum of four regular meeting will be held each year at which reports  from officers, discussions of important business matters and a program or workshop is presented. Dates for meetings will be set by the President, and announced by the Webmaster, at least three weeks prior to meeting. Special meetings and programs may be held at the request of the executive committee provided reasonable notification of  members is possible.  

Article IX – Amendment to the Constitution  

Amendments may be initiated by at least two members. The proposed  changes shall be posted on the website for review by the membership three weeks prior to the meeting at which voting will take place. The amendment must be passed by a 2/3 vote of the members present.  


Article I – Dues  

The dues of this organization shall be set by the executive committee and shall be reviewed annually. The dues recommended shall be approved by 2/3 vote of the members present at the next regular meeting.  

Article II – Quorum  

A quorum shall consist of one-fourth of the membership plus at least three officers.  

Article III – Committees  

Section 1: Special committees shall be appointed by the president, as needed, with the approval of the other officers. The president shall act as an ex-officio member of these committees. 

Section 2: Budgets for guild activities such as days of puppetry or puppet festivals, shall be presented by the chair of the committee in charge of said activity at a regular meeting. Approval by a 2/3 vote of the members  present at that meeting will render the budget official and legitimate. The committee shall also review any expenditure in excess of the approved  budget for each event before payment or reimbursement by the treasurer can be authorized. The budget may be amended by majority vote of the  committee members. 

Section 3: The officer nominating committee will consist of from three to five people, and will be selected by the members in the fall. The committee will appoint their chairman from the nominating committee.  

Article IV – Amendment to the Bylaws  

The bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of members present at any regular meeting. 

Last updated 19 July 2020